Yunnan - China's most beautiful province

Xu Xiake 徐霞客 in Dali

Xu Xiake (1586 - 1641) was China's first travel blogger. During the third lunar month in 1639 he travelled through Dali and recorded his experiences in his diary, posthumously published as 徐霞客游记. Is it still possible to retrace Xu's steps on the Dali plain?

Judith Shapiro: Mao's War Against Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China

Cover Image
Even if Chinese civilization has developed more against than with nature, the Mao years were a particular exercise in environmental destruction. In one case-study Shapiro tells the story of the draining of the northern part of Dianchi Lake, one of the first steps turning Kunming's lake into the fetid cess-pool it is today.

Yunnan Tours

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Jim Goodman: Children of the Jade Dragon: the Naxi of Lijiang and their mountain neighbours the Yi

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In the first half of the 1990s Lijiang had barely made its appearance on the Chinese tourism stage, even less so the then remote mountains of Ningland and Lugu Lake. Jim Goodman's account of the Naxi and the Yi draws back to a time where not everything was staged for mass tourism: an account of a lost world.

This old caravan town on the Jinsha River is Yunnan's gateway to Tibet.

Markets this Friday

Kunming 昆明
Kedu 柯渡镇
Jinsuo 金所乡

Dali 大理
Nanxin 南新
Hecun 萂村
Gunipen 沽泥盆
Huangping 黄平镇
Jiancao 捡槽
Wanqiao 湾桥
Shanyang 衫阳
Songgui 松桂
Gudi 古底
Wuxing 五星
Pingchuan 平川
Xintun 辛屯
Yangbi 漾濞彝族自治县
Baidangping 白荡坪
Caojian 漕间
Yousuo 右所镇
Shuanglang 双廊镇
Shaxi 沙溪

Lijiang 丽江
Shigu 石鼓镇

Dehong 德宏
Husa 户撒乡
Nangsong 曩宋阿昌族乡

Honghe 红河
Xinhua 新华乡
Mengla 勐拉
Lengdun 冷墩
Lengquan 冷泉镇
Dongshan 东山镇
Shitouzhai 石头寨
Maandi 马鞍底
Xinjie 新街

Wenshan 文山
Shadou 沙斗
Nijiao 腻脚彝族乡
Jijie 鸡街乡
Donggan 董干镇
Tienpeng 田蓬镇

Chuxiong 楚雄
Shizhong 适中乡
Dalongkou 大龙口乡
Qianchang 前场镇
Jiuchang 九厂
Guihua 桂花乡

Baoshan 保山市
Manglong 芒龙

Lincang 临沧
Luodang 洛党
Cangyuan 沧源佤族自治县
Lushi 鲁史
Zhenkang 镇康县
Junsai 军赛乡
Quannei 圈内
Shuangjiang 双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县

Zhaotong 昭通
Shikan 石坎
Weixin 威信
Jiucheng 旧城
Changan 长安

Yuxi 玉溪
Tadian 塔甸
Jiasa 戛洒镇

Nujiang 怒江
Chenggan 称杆
Daxingdi 大兴地乡
Zilijia 子里甲乡

Puer 普洱
Baozang 宝藏乡
Fuyan 富岩

Diqing 迪庆
Shangjiang 上江