Yunnan · Baoshan · Baoshan
Wama Yi and Bai Township 瓦马彝族白族乡

A small township in the mountains of Baoshan.
Picture: Miao are the most traditional dressers in the Baoshan region. The photo was taken in Wama 瓦马 market.
Baoshan Miao: Miao are the most traditional dressers in the Baoshan region. The photo was taken in Wama 瓦马 market.

Pretty countryside around this usual grimy township.

Heavy soil and steep slopes limit agriculture pretty much to corn, which is fed to pigs.

There is a certain Bai population here, which does not dress, but a number of houses have been build in modern Dali style. The most distinctive ethnic minority are the Miao, who might be taken for Yi.

Travel Notes

Poor services and poorly connected.

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