Yunnan · Dali
Yangbi Yi Autonomous County 漾濞彝族自治县

Yangbi is an Yi area to the western side of the Cangshan mountains. It is famous for its walnuts.
Picture: A newly invented culture festival related to the walnut harvest in Yangbi county.
Yangbi Walnut Festival: A newly invented culture festival related to the walnut harvest in Yangbi county.

Yangbi is largely wooded county, famous for its walnuts. The main transportation artery runs up the river on the western side of the Cangshan mountains.

Yangbi's most famous site is Shimenguan, a small canyon area to the south of the county town, that has now been developed into a tourist site with a glass cliff walkway.

Yangbi Town

Set prettily to the west of Cangshan with a few old roads, an old mosque and an old chain bridge.
