Yunnan · Dali · Yangbi
Yangbi Town 漾濞县城

Set prettily to the west of Cangshan with a few old roads, an old mosque and an old chain bridge.

Historic Yangbi divides into lower 下街 and upper market 上街, the latter to the north of the stream that runs down Cangshan. Along the water front is still an old street, leading to a chain bridge with a Buddhist temple on the western side. Nearby is the old mosque, in Chinese style.

The older part of the modern town, where the weekly market is held, lies a bit higher up and is pretty nondescript if not outright run-down.

South, connected by the old road along the river and two new high bridges, lies the new town where the Walnut Festival is held.

Travel Notes

Accommodation is poor in Yangbi. The best hotel is probably the one down by the river.


Walnut Festival 01 Sep 2024