Yunnan - China's most beautiful province

The Dengchuan Plain 邓川坝子

The Dengchuan Plain 邓川坝子

The Dengchuan Plain 邓川坝子, north of Dali's Erhai Lake 洱海, has with West Lake 西湖 and the Miju River corridor 弥苴河 some beautiful, if hardly known, scenic areas. It's natural scenery, however, is man-made, the result of more than a thousand years of cultivation and water-management projects that have transformed a swamp and marshland into the current cultural environment.

Haiyan is an old fishing village on Dianchi. In its long-abandoned Guangsheng Temple a few murals remain.

Judith Shapiro: Mao's War Against Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China

Cover Image
Even if Chinese civilization has developed more against than with nature, the Mao years were a particular exercise in environmental destruction. In one case-study Shapiro tells the story of the draining of the northern part of Dianchi Lake, one of the first steps turning Kunming's lake into the fetid cess-pool it is today.

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Best surviving station on the French-built Vietnam-Kunming railway.

Judith Shapiro: Mao's War Against Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China

Cover Image
Even if Chinese civilization has developed more against than with nature, the Mao years were a particular exercise in environmental destruction. In one case-study Shapiro tells the story of the draining of the northern part of Dianchi Lake, one of the first steps turning Kunming's lake into the fetid cess-pool it is today.

A Bai town famous for its typical Bai architecture.

An unspoilt Tibetan area along the Zhibaluo River.

Markets this Sunday

Kunming 昆明
Zhuanlong 转龙镇
Jiulong 九龙乡
Xundian 寻甸回族彝族自治县

Dali 大理
Jiuzhou 旧州
Sanying 三营
Haidong 海东
Eryuan 洱源县
Longjie 龙街
Yunlong 云龙县
Longjie 龙街
Yinqiao 银桥
Liantie 炼铁
Zhongjiang 中江
Binchuan 宾川县
Lawu 拉乌
Beitou 北头
Pingpo 平坡
Jianchuan 剑川县
Changxin 长新
Huangping 黄平镇

Lijiang 丽江
Hongyan 红岩
Yongsheng 永胜县
Banqiao 板桥

Xishuangbanna 西双版纳
Menghun 勐混
Mengman 勐满拉祜族哈尼族布朗族镇

Honghe 红河
Pingbian 屏边苗族自治县
Niujiaozhai 牛角寨
Laomeng 老勐
Diema 垤玛
Mengzi 蒙自县
Jiayin 甲寅
Liangdi 浪堤
Azhahe 阿扎河
Sankeshu 三棵树
Chake 岔科
Shaochong 哨冲镇
Baohua 宝华
Dixibei 地西北
Luoen 洛恩
Yongning 永宁乡
Niujie 牛街镇

Wenshan 文山
Guangnan 广南县
Badaoshao 八道哨乡
Banlun 板仑乡
Pingyuan 平远
Zhesang 者桑乡
Heizhiguo 黑支果乡
Boai 剥隘镇
Dongma 董马乡
Babao 八宝镇
Xinzhai 新寨乡

Chuxiong 楚雄
Nanhua 南华县
Dayao 大姚县
Bailu 白路
Guanglu 光路镇
Yaoan 姚安县

Baoshan 保山市
Hehua 荷花傣族佤族乡
Xinzhai 新寨

Lincang 临沧
Mengding 孟定
Yalian 亚练乡
Nanmei 南美拉祜族乡
Banhong 班洪乡

Zhaotong 昭通
Linfeng 麟风
Shuitian 水田

Yuxi 玉溪
Yangjie 羊街乡
Xingmeng 兴蒙
Dianzhong 甸中
Hexi 河西

Nujiang 怒江
Liuku 六库
Tongdian 通甸

Puer 普洱
Lancang 澜沧拉祜族自治县
Nuofu 糯福
Mengma 孟马镇
Qushui 曲水乡

Diqing 迪庆
Kangpu 康普