Translations of Historic Texts
Publications starting with L
马健雄 (Ma Jianxiong): Lahu Minority in Southwest China
Khun Wichitmattra: Lak Thai
George B. Cressey: Land of the 500 Million: A Geography of China
George Forrest: Land of the Crossbow
Joseph Francis Rock: Land of the Yellow Lama
J A Dearing: Landscape change and resilience theory
John Lossing Buck: Land Utilization in China
Zhu Qingzhi and Li Bohan: Language of Chinese Buddhism
David Bradley: Language Policy for the Yi
Terrien de Lacouperie: Languages of China Before the Chinese
A. E. J. B Terrien de Lacouperie: languages of China before the Chinese : researches on the languages spoken by the pre-Chinese races of China proper previously to the Chinese occupation
M. Emile Rocher: La province Chinoise du Yun-Nan
M. Emile Rocher: La province Chinoise du Yun-Nan
Lin Shaomeng and D Walker: Late Pleistocene and Holocene Vegetation History at Xi Hu, Er Yuan, Yunnan Province, Southwest China
Yang Erche Namu and Christine Mathieu: Leaving Mother Lake: A Girlhood at the Edge of the World
Ives Hervouet: Le chapitre 117 du Che-Ki
James Lee: Legacy of Immigration in Southwest China
Max Jakob Fölster: Legitimation of a 'Marginal Dynasty': The Great Xia in Sichuan 1362--1371
Frederic Hulot: Les Chemins de Fer de la France d'Outre-Mer
Paul Vial: Les Lolos - Histoire, religion, moeurs, langue, \ecriture
Jacques Bacot: Les Mo-so
Jean Dupuis: Le Tonkin, de 1872 à 1886
T. T. Cooper: Letter from Mr. T. T. Cooper, on the course of the Tsan-po and Irrawaddy and on Tibet
Sylvie Pasquet: L'Evolution Du System Postal: La Province Chinoise Du Yunnan A L'\`Epoque Qing (1644-1911)
John Israel: Lianda
Guo Daiheng: Liao, Song, Xi Xia, and Jin Dynasties
Shen Che and Lu Xiaoya: Life amongst the Minority Nationalities of Northwest Yunnan
James Legge: Life and Works of Mencius
Samuel Beal: Life of Huien-Tsiang
Almut Netolitzky: Ling-Wai Tai-Ta von Chou Ch'ü-Fei
Xu Jianchu: Links between Cultures and Biodiversity: Proceedings of the Cultures and Biodiversity Congress 2000, 20-30 July, Yunnan, China
Yanagida Seizan: Li-tai fa-pao chi and the Ch'an Doctrine of Sudden Awakening
Alexander C. Soper: Literary Evidence of Early Buddhist Art in China
David Hawkes: Little Primer of Tu Fu
Ihor Pidhainy: Lives and Legends of Yang Shen
Jim Goodman: Living in Shangrila
马健雄 (Ma Jianxiong): Local communities, village temples and the reconstruction of ethnic groups in western Yunnan, fourteenth to seventeenth centuries
Lin Yueh-hua: Lolo of Liang Shan
Jim Goodman: Long March
Harrison E. Salisbury: Long March
Helen B. Chapin and Alexander C. Soper: Long Roll of Buddhist Images
Helen B. Chapin and Alexander C. Soper: Long Roll of Buddhist Images (II)
Helen B. Chapin and Alexander C. Soper: Long Roll of Buddhist Images (III)
Helen B. Chapin and Alexander C. Soper: Long Roll of Buddhist Images (IV)
James Hilton: Lost Horizon
Liew Foon Ming: Luchuan-Pingmian Campaigns (1436-1449) in the Light of Official Chinese Historiography
R. Logan Jack: Lung-Kiang, Taiping and Kinsha Rivers
J. T. Walker: Lu River of Tibet: Is It the Source of the Irawadi or the Salwin?