Translations of Historic Texts
Publications starting with M
許烺光 (Hsu Francis): Magic and Science in Western Yunnan
Megan Bryson: Mahākāla Worship in the Dali Kingdom (937–1253)
Bai Zhihong: Making a Difference
Charles Hartman: Making of Song Dynasty History
Qiong Zhang: Making the New World Their Own
Fabrizio Pregadio: Man-Bird Mountain
Anderson: Mandalay to Momien - A Narrative of the Expeditions to Western China of 1868 and 1875
Gordon H. Luce: Man Shu - Book of the Southern Barbarians
Jung Chang and Jon Halliday: Mao
Judith Shapiro: Mao's War Against Nature
Robert Boileau Pemberton: Map of the Eastern Frontier of British India, with the Adjacent Countries Extending to Yunnan in China
Boleslaw Szcezeniak: Mappa Imperii Sinarum of Michael Boym
X. Yang, A.K. Skidmore, D.R. Melick, Z. Zhou and J Xu: Mapping non-wood forest product (matsutake mushrooms) using logistic regression and a GIS expert system
Yukiyasu Osada, Gavin Allwright and Atushi Kanamaru: Mapping the Tibetan World
Peter Jackson: Marco Polo and his 'Travels'
J. W. Haeger: Marco Polo in China? Problems with Internal Evidence
Hans Ulrich Vogel: Marco Polo Was in China
Boleslaw Szcezeniak: Matteo Ricci's Maps of China
David N. Keightley: Measure of Man in Early China
Yanchun Liu, Zhiling Dao, Chunyan Yang and Yitao and Long Liu: Medicinal plants used by the Tibetan in Shangri-la, Yunnan, China
David Graff: Medieval Chinese Warfare 300-900
A. Tafel: Meine Tibetreise
Francis Kingdon Ward: Mekong-Salween Divide
Francis Kingdon Ward: Mekong-Salween Divide as a Geographical Barrier
Edouard Chavannes: Mémoires historiques de Se-ma Ts'ien
R. Wilcox: Memoir of a Survey of Assam and Neighbouring Countries, executed 1825-6-7-8
: Metal, Salt, and Horse Skulls: Elite-Level Exchange and Long-Distance HumanMovement in Prehistoric Yanyuan (Southwest China)
Norma Diamond: Miao and Poison: Interactions on China's Southwest Frontier
Lin Yueh-hwa: Miao-Man Peoples of Kweichow
Ruey Yih-fu: Miao: Their Origin and Southward Migration
Shen Haimei : Middle Ground:Gender, Ethnicity and Identity in Southwest China
Ihor Pidhainy: Mid-Ming Account of the Road into Exile
J. Coggin Brown: Mines and Mineral Resources of Yunnan, with Short Accounts of its Agricultural Products and Trade
Gungwu Wang: Ming Foreign Relations: Southeast Asia
Lien-sheng Yang: Ming Local Administration
Zhang Tingyu: Ming Shi
Magnus Fiskesjö: Mining, history, and the anti-state Wa
Alain Y. Dessaint: Minorities of Southwest China. An Introduction to the Yi (Lolo) and related peoples and an annotated bibliography
Cao Jin: Mint Metal Mining and Minting in Sichuan, 1700-1900
于君方 (Yü Chün-fang): Miracle Tales and the Domestication of Kuan-yin
Francis Kingdon Ward: Mishmi Country
Jean Michaud: Missionary Ethnographers in Upper-Tonkin: The Early Years, 1895-1920
Vicomte d'Ollone: Mission d'Ollone 1906-1909: Ècritures des peuples non chinois de la Chine
Matthias Lexer: Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch
John Lagerwey and Pierre Marsone: Modern Chinese Religion I
Sarah Tsien: Money for the Villages: Yunnan Poverty and Microlending
Elizabeth Endicott-West: Mongolian Rule in China: Local Administration in the Yuan Dynasty
H. Stephen West: Mongol Influence on the Development of Northern Drama
Christian Daniels: Mongol-Yuan in Yunnan and ProtoTai/Tai Polities during the 13th-14th Centuries
James C. Scott: Moral Economy of the Peasant
Jukang Tien: Moslem Rebellion in China: A Yunnan Controversy
A. Jackson: Mo-so Magical Texts
C. Pat Giersch: motley throng: social change on southwest China's early modern frontier, 1700-1880
: Mountains and Rivers Make Way: The Chengtu-Kunming Railroad in Photographs
W. N. Fergusson: Mr. Fergussons's Map of the Lolo Country
马健雄 (Ma Jianxiong) and Ma Cunzhao: Mule Caravans of Western Yunnan
Chen Bo: Multicultural Interpretation of an Ethnic Muslim Minority: The Case of the Hui Tibetan in Lhasa
Alexandra David-Neel: My Journey to Lhasa
Francis Kingdon Ward: Mystery Rivers of Tibet
Yang Yuqing: Mystifying China's Southwest Ethnic Borderlands