Translations of Historic Texts
Publications starting with O
John Williams: Observations Of Comets From BC 611 To AD 1640
E. H. Parker: Old Thai or Shan Empire of Western Yünnan
Brandon Dotson: Old Tibetan Annals
John Anderson: On a few plants from Yunnan
Chungshee Hsien Liu: On a Newly-Discovered Lolo MS. from Szechuan, China
Schrameier: On Martin Martini
Francis Kingdon Ward: On the Altitudinal Limits of Plants in North-West Yunnan
T. T. Cooper: On the Chinese Province of Yunnan and Its Borders
Shih-chung Hsieh: On the Dynamics of Tai/Dai-Lue Ethnicity: An Ethnohistorical Analysis
Wang Feng: On the genetic position of the Bai language
Hans Penth: On the History of Chiangrai
Francis Kingdon Ward: On the Possible Prolongation of the Himalayan Axis beyond the Dihang
Magnus Fiskesjö: On the ‘Raw’ and the ‘Cooked’ Barbarians of Imperial China
David W. Pankenier: On the Reliability of Han Dynasty Solar Eclipse Records
T. Griffith Faulk and Robert H. Sharf: On the Ritual Use of Chan Portraiture in Medieval China
Francis Kingdon Ward: On the Road to Tibet
Terry Harrison, Xueping Ji and Denise Su: On the Systematic Status of Late Neogene Hominoids from Yunnan Province, China
William G. Boltz: Origin and Early Development of the Chinese Writing System
David N. Keightley: Origins of Chinese Civilization
Paola Demattè: Origins of Chinese Writing
Rafe de Crespigny: Outline of the Local Administration of the Later Han Empire