
Certainly the most interesting area of Yunnan for any minzu watcher: Hani, Yi, Dai, Yao, Miao, Zhuang - just to name the more numerous groups in the region. Each township seems to have at least one group that can only be found there.

The marker flags indicate the date of the next market day. Click on the marker to open a pop-up which will give you some information about the market and a detail map.

Next Markets in Honghe

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Longwu龙武镇Huayao Yi market town
Mosha漠沙镇Huayao Dai market, where at least some of the old women dress …
Daheigong大黑公Dai and Hani market near the Red River.
Wuwan乌弯Little market of little interest.
Yuanjiang元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县Large county-town market.
Jiayi稼依镇Nothing known.
Wantang湾塘乡Nothing known, presumably Miao.
Jiangcheng江城哈尼族彝族自治县Jiangcheng's market is pretty uninteresting, a few Landian Yao in full dress …
Mingjiu鸣鹫镇Nothing known.
Caoba草坝镇Nothing known
Zhongzhai中寨Nothing known about this Hani and Miao market off the road from …
Shengcun生村Large Hani market on way to rice terraces
Dayangjie大羊街Hani market high up.
Jiache架车Nothing known.
Nanuo那诺乡A Hani market with nice rice terraces all around. One of the …
Nafa那发Nice market with many Sha Yao, Dai, Hani right on the Vietnamese …

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Yangjie羊街乡A Hani market. Good rice terraces further along the road toward Nanuo.
Maandi马鞍底Many Hani. The area has become known for its many butterflies in …
Hongtian红田Nothing known.
Zhicun芷村镇Nothing known.
Mengla勐拉Large market, with Dai, Hani, Yao.
Shaochong哨冲镇Nice market held in the old town, not the ugly administrative place …
Niujie牛街镇Nothing known, but this market in Shiping county should have some Hani …
Baiyun白云乡Nothing known, presumably Miao.
Tutai土台Nothing known, presumably mostly Dai and Hani.

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Panzihua攀枝花Small market just off the main road to Luchun
Sancun三村Hani market
Dianwei甸尾乡Nothing known, with its location north of Jianshui probably mostly Han, maybe …
Heping和平乡Nothing known, presumably Miao.
Shalatuo沙拉托Another good market in the Yuanyang area with many Hani, Yi and …
Baixian白显Yi market on the northern side of the Red River Valley, but …
Zhemi者米拉祜族乡Very nice market in this remote town with Dai, Yi, Hani, Yao …
Tongchang铜厂Interesting Hani and Miao market high up in the Ailao mountains. Frequent …

Friday, 25 October 2024

Sankeshu三棵树Small minority market, the date is a little uncertain.
Shitouzhai石头寨Hani market.
Dixibei地西北Nice border market with many Hani and Red Yao.
Xinhua新华乡Nothing known, presumably Miao.
Lengdun冷墩Small market at the crossroads up to Gejiu with some interesting Yi.
Lengquan冷泉镇Miao market actually not that far from Mengzi.

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Leyu乐育Nothing known.
Xinxian新现乡Miao market in this actually quite large township.
Baozang宝藏乡Nothing known.
Mengping勐坪Small market mainly attended by Yao in full dress. Their costume is …
Daheishan大黑山乡Nothing known, Hani market.
Xinansuo新安所镇The market is very close to Mengzi, in fact you can go …

Sunday, 27 October 2024

Liangdi浪堤Nothing known.
Baohua宝华Big Hani market with a large rice terrace area nearby.
Azhahe阿扎河Hani market
Jiayin甲寅Nothing known.
Mengzi蒙自县Large city market that remains interesting despite all the changes. Miao, Yi, …
Majie马街Very traditional market with many well dressed Hani, Yi, Dai and some …
Luoen洛恩Nothing known.
Chake岔科Nothing known, maybe some Yi.
Pingyuan平远Pingyuan is an important Muslim town in Wenshan, so there should be …
Jinping金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县City market attracting Hani, Miao, Yao, Dai from all over the county.
Mengqiao勐桥乡Large interesting market with Hani, Yao, Miao, Dai. The area has changed …
Nanke南科Very remote border market with a number of interesting Yao.
Lvchun绿春县County town market with Hani.
Diema垤玛Nothing known.
Pingbian屏边苗族自治县County town market with Miao.
Laomeng老勐One of the best markets in the region with many Dai, Miao, …

Monday, 28 October 2024

Qushui曲水乡Even though the closest market to Vietnam and Laos, it is without …
Laozhai老寨苗族乡Nothing known.
Chemalong车玛龙Nothing known.
Baihe白河乡Nothing known, presumably Miao.
Puxiong普雄Nothing known, possibly a number of Yi at this market.

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Jiahe嘉禾乡Nothing known.