
The Puer region is quite diverse. Not only the border regions are of interest.

The marker flags indicate the date of the next market day. Click on the marker to open a pop-up which will give you some information about the market and a detail map.

Next Markets in Puer

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Nuofu糯福Lahu market in remote township on the Burmese border with a historic …
Mengma孟马镇Moderately interesting market with many Dai and Lahu.

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Lancang澜沧拉祜族自治县County town market with many Lahu (just with shoulder bag), but also …
Yongping永平镇Dai market in this traditional Dai area, with maybe one Yi woman …
Mengjiao勐角乡Small Dai and Wa market not so far from Cangyuan. The market …
Meng'a孟啊Small border market with mostly Dai and some Lahu. The market setting …
Mengman勐满拉祜族哈尼族布朗族镇Dai and Akha, the Akha women mostly in ethnic style, a few …

Monday, 29 July 2024

Qiannuo千糯Dai market in village with nice historic temple.
Danjia单甲乡Nothing known about this market, but attendants should be overwhelmingly Wa.
Mangxin芒信镇Nice market for the number of Aini that attend from the nearby …

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Cangyuan沧源佤族自治县County town market, attracting Dai and Wa.
Shuangjiang双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县Older Dai women still dress in ethnic costume, but the Lahu only …
Fuyan富岩Interesting Wa market in the mountains between Menglian and Ximeng.

Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Mengsuo勐梭镇Dai market in this historic Dai town.
Menglai勐来乡Dai and Wa market in small township.
Menglian孟连傣族拉祜族佤族自治县One of the most attractive county town markets in Yunnan: many Dai, …