Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

Saturday, 31. May 2025 in Everywhere

The Chinese mid-summer festival held on an auspicious day in the lunar calendar close to the summer solstice. However, celebrations in Yunnan seem to be quite limited.

Kunming's Green Lake seems to schedule some activities at least. This was program posted on GoKunming: 1.带娃娃穿汉服拜师wear the dress of Han dynasty   建议活动时间time:6月14日14时~15时 14th June 14:00-15:00 location: the green lake park guan yu lou翠湖公园观鱼楼      2.悬叶洒酒祈福驱邪 wear the leaf of Folium Artemisiae Argyi to keep away the bad luck, drink yellow wine and more   活动时间time:6月15日10时 15th June, 10:00   location: the green lake park shui yue xuan翠湖水月轩   3.祭礼赛舟品粽子 make your own zongzi, dragon boat competition, Qu yuan respecting ceremony.   活动时间time:6月16日10时、11时、15时 16th June, 10:00(Qu yuan respecting ceremony), 11:00(make your own zongzi) and 15:00(dragon boat competition)   16日,就是中国传统的端午节。想知道端午节来历,或无法向孩子解释为什么要过端午节的家长可于16日上午10点前到翠湖公园观鱼楼前集合,那里将准时在10点开始穿汉服祭祀屈原的仪式,用古代的祭祀方式还原端午节的传统文化。   结束祭礼后,家长可火速带领孩子赶往翠湖水月轩,参加那里举行的家庭包粽品粽活动和福粽(重)转大运,孩子体验包粽子的乐趣,还能够品尝到各式美味的粽子,运气好的话,还能吃到包有吉祥话和小礼品兑换物的福粽。   吃完粽子想运动运动的家庭,还可在15时在家庭赛舟活动上一展身手。虽说翠湖公园里没有细长的龙舟,但是各种小动物造型的小船在湖上竞技,想必另有一番风味。   特别提醒:由于本次活动完全由民间自发,只是希望通过活动来传承中国的传统文化,奖金、奖品不算丰厚,重在参与、同享欢乐。
Festival held according to lunar calendar on 农历5月初5.