Tuanjie Torch Festival 玉龙团结火把节

Monday, 29. July 2024 in 云龙县团结乡

Tuanjie is the center of Yunlong's Yi and stages a local Torch Festival.

The torch festival is the biggest event in the Yi calendar, which had traditionally 12 thirty-day months, which left another five to celebrate. The torch festival is celebrated all over Yunnan, with the main events in Chuxiong and the Stone Forest. In Chuxiong the festival is a multi-day event, with big shows staged.

See related festivals.

In the last few years, Tuanjie has received an architectural styling as an Yi town, together with a large dancing square and quite a few hotels.
Festival held according to lunar calendar on 农历6月24.

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Torch Festival 火把节

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