Yu An Ceremonies 玉案会

Monday, 19. May 2025 in 大理古城才村小邑庄玉案祠

A preliminary ritual conducted just before Raosanling.

Raosanling, a temple fair taking place at three villages around Dali in the fourth lunar month, is the most important religious festival in the calendar of the Bai people of Yunnan. The festival takes place over a few days, each with the major activity at a different location: On Day 1, worship takes place at the City Protector God Temple near South Gate in Dali. On Day 2, worship takes place at Qingdong temple at the foot of Wutai peak, some 15 km north of the old city of Dali. This is always the busiest day: not only is the temple jam-packed with worshippers who bring food offerings, but outside a large market takes place almost all the way from the main road to the temple. On Day 3, the action moves to a smaller temple near the waterfront in a small village east of Xizhou. Focus of the day is on singing and entertainment, with many groups performing Bai opera - particularly later in the afternoon in the school-yard not far from the temple. Day 4 sees the temple of Majiuyi, only six kilometres from Dali, become the centre of attention. The Dongjing music association plays in the temple before worship moves to a small shrine on the lake-front later in the afternoon.

See related festivals.

Yu An 玉案 is said to be the aunt of the king of Baizi 白子国 and is the Benzhu of Xiaoyizhuang 小邑庄. It is said that on this day they go from this temple to the Dali Chenghuangmiao 城隍庙.
Festival held according to lunar calendar on 农历4月22.

Other Festivals at or near this Location

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