Slideshows Yunnan
Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture 大理白族自治州

Cangshan Clouds

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The summer rainy season brings clouds to Dali's Cangshan.

Bai Tie-Dye Master Dyer

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Bai Tie-Dye is part of China's Intangible Cultural Heritage, still carried out in simple workshops using traditional techniques.

Xizhou Fazi Temple

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Fazi Temple is an abandoned clan memorial temple on a cemetery hill west of Xizhou.

Raosanling in Times of Corona

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The Corona epidemic led to the cancellation of all major festivals, but some cannot be deterred to celebrate Raosanling 绕三灵.

Bamu Temple

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Run by an irate couple, this temple on the shore of Erhai is one of Dali's strangest temples.

Azaleas of Horse Ear Mountain

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Early May the Azaleas on Maershan 马耳山 north of Erhai are in flower.

Bai Sculpture

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Clay sculpture is part of Dali's intangible cultural heritage, here are the temple sculptures of Xizhou's 'Central Emperor Hall' 中央皇帝祠, a Benzhu temple.

The Suona Player

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The suona 唢呐 is an important instrument in Chinese ritual and folk music. Here a Bai gentleman plays it as part of Azhali Buddhist rituals in the 催君寺 temple near Jianchuan 剑川.

Azhali Flower Dance

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Magic dances are part Azhali rituals: here it is the Flower Dance as part of the 太子会 in Jianchuan.

Xiaoyizhuang Torch Festival

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For many Bai the Torch Festival is the most important festival, here it is celebrated in a small village next to Erhai.

Ming Dynasty Dali Funerary Figurines

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During the Ming dynasty terracotta figurines became popular funerary objects in Dali. These pictures are from the Dali Municipal Museum 大理市博物馆.

Wocun Emperor Day

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Binchuan's Wocun 萂村 celebrates its king of a brief kingdom between Nanzhao and the Dali Kingdom during the lunar New Year period.