
The popular Dali regions has a good number of Bai markets.

The marker flags indicate the date of the next market day. Click on the marker to open a pop-up which will give you some information about the market and a detail map.

Next Markets in Dali

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Longjie龙街Nothing known.
Paiying排营Small town market, most likely all Han.
Zuòyì作邑Bai market
Junhua均化Nothing known. Same market day in 石洞. Source:
Zhoucheng州城Han market in this historic town.
Shunzhou顺州Most Han market, but a few Yi, in this highland town.
Heqing鹤庆县City market.
Liuhe六合Special Yi group. Date for market is not certain.
Longjie龙街Nothing known, but an Yi area.
Diannan甸南Grubby market but the wood-carvers are worthwhile visiting while there.
Yongping永平县County town market, nothing known.
Kaifaqu开发区Agricultural market of little interest as the town is mostly immigrants.
Duomei朵美Small market in declining township by the Jinsha River.
Lijiao力角Nothing known, but the area is all Han.
Jiuhe九河Good market where many of the old Bai women still wear their …

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Lawu拉乌Small administrative center for this Yi region, nothing known about market.
Sanying三营Bai market off the main road from Xiaguan to Jianchuan.
Banqiao板桥Small township at the end of the road, market with a few …
Liantie炼铁Bai market with a few Yi sprinkled in.
Beitou北头Nothing known, but it is an Yi Xiang.
Caicun才村Very small local supply market in this lake-side fishing village. The market …
Dali大理Market is held to the west of Cangshan gate, in the road …
Binchuan宾川县Han county-town market.
Tongdian通甸Some Yi and there should be some Pumi, but they do not …
Jianchuan剑川县County town market
Changxin长新The old bridges nearby justify a trip here, but the market is …
Huangping黄平镇Most likely all Han. Source
Hongyan红岩Small market with local villagers.
Eryuan洱源县While there is a daily market in the old part of town, …
Pingpo平坡Small market with maybe some Yi.
Zhongjiang中江Bai and Yi market in this prosperous township by the river. View …
Yongsheng永胜县County town market with some Yi.

Monday, 29 July 2024

Shuixie水泄Nothing known.
Shigu石鼓镇Lively market.
Shaping沙平村A small Bai market on the northern end of Erhai. The market …
Huangping黄平镇Most likely all Han. Source
Songgui松桂Bai township market, quite busy.
Jizushan鸡足山Market at the small town at the bottom of the holy mountain.
Xintun辛屯Bai market north of Heqing.
Tuanjie团结Nothing known.
Misha弥沙Very small township, most likely Bai and maybe some Yi.
Waxi瓦溪Nothing known, almost certainly of no interest, roadside Han village.
Baishi白石Judging from markets nearby, probably of little interest.

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Binju宾居Han market at northern end of town.
Madeng马镫Bai and Yi market.
Niujie牛街Yi market of the Western Hill style Yi, but normally no-one dresses …
Dianzhong甸中Interesting rural market with cattle trading going on. Yi and Muslims are …
Dacang大仓镇Large town market, spread over many streets. It attracts a large number …
Wase挖色A nice Bai market on the eastern shore of Erhai. While the …
Weishan巍山彝族回族自治县Large county town market with Yi and Muslims sprinkled in.
Fengyi凤仪Now part of giant Xiaguan East, Fengyi nevertheless retains some charm.
Fuheng富恒Nothing known.
Qinghua清华Yi market with a few Yi dressing up with black turbans and …
Fengyu风羽Large Bai market in a nice open setting. There is some old …
Liandong炼洞Small roadside market, unlikely of interest.

Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Shanglan上兰Bai market with a few Yi.
Shaba沙坝Nothing known, but it will be a typical Bai/Han market.
Zhouguanying周官营Nothing known, unlikely to be of interest.
Zhongying种英This is a Yi and Lisu town, but nothing is known about …
Shuanglang双廊镇Small market in pretty town on eastern side of the lake that …
Haidong海东Bai market on the other side of Erhai, just north of Xiaguan.
Wanqiao湾桥Bai market north of Dali.
Shunbi順濞Nothing known, but it is an ugly location next to the Baoshan …
Liming黎明No costume worn, but the area is pretty.

Thursday, 1 August 2024

Qiaohou乔后Bai market in this old salt mining town that has an old …
Niujie牛街Bai market on the main road to Jianchuan.
Yangcen羊岑Bai market with a few Yi.
Maidi脉地Probably uninteresting.
Sanchahe三岔河乡Han market of no particular interest.
Daying大营Nothing known, but the area is all Han.
Taiyi太邑彝族乡Yi township which serves villages high above

Friday, 2 August 2024

Yangbi漾濞彝族自治县County town market of no particular interest along four streets in the …
Baidangping白荡坪Nothing known, small place.
Shaxi沙溪Large Bai and Yi market. The setting is unfortunately in a new …
Wuxing五星A Bai village.
Yinqiao银桥Bai market north of Dali.
Gudi古底Smaller market, nothing known, but it should have some Yi, as it …
Pingchuan平川Large market.
Hecun萂村Nothing known.
Yousuo右所镇A large Bai farmers market held partly along the main street, partly …
Gunipen沽泥盆A recently developed small market center, even with a place to stay. …

Monday, 5 August 2024

Judian巨甸镇Farmers market, with technically some minorities, but apart from a few black …
Yongjian永连One of Yunnan's largest Muslim markets with many interesting old mosques nearby.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Shangjiang上江Despite its technical remoteness, no-one dresses up here and people appear mostly …