Yunnan · Kunming
Kunming City 昆明市

The now sprawling capital of Yunnan, dubbed 'Spring City'.
Picture: Kunming's main Tibetan Buddhist Temple, next to Yuantong Temple.
Lianhua Temple 莲华精舍: Kunming's main Tibetan Buddhist Temple, next to Yuantong Temple.

Early Maps of Yunnan

The history of maps in Yunnan began more than a thousand years ago. But it was the Jesuits who revolutionised mapping in China, producing the first accurate maps of the provinces, including remote Yunnan.


Guandu Old Town

With the Bird and Flower Market and the Muslim Quarter fallen, little remains of 'Lao Kunming', the characterful old town of former times. Now it is all high-rises, wide avenues, chain-shops. Everywhere? No, a small part of Kunming is holding out...
